
I have always been passionate about the environment. Man depends on the environment for his survival and not the other way round. Clean food, air and water the 3 most critical requirements for life to survive on our planet is obtained from the environment and hence its protection is paramount. Leading a life in harmony with the environment is the way forward.

Sustainable practices 


My car is being powered by 30% biodiesel blend since the last 9 years and in the process have covered more than 105,000 km across several states of India. 

Roof top solar

Thanks to a friend of mine Mr. Sunil M.S (CEO at Hinren Engineering) who is an environmentalist, I have a 2.2 KW solar photovoltaic installed at my Parent’s place roof top. About 8 units of power is generated on an average/day and the home adds surplus power to the grid by the end of the billing cycle.

Rain water harvesting

With a catchment roof top area of roughly 2000 sq.ft at my Parent’s place, once again thanks to Sunil, a rain water harvesting unit was installed. On an annual basis, about 157,000 litres of rain water is being harvested for a city like Bengaluru that covers the home’s water requirement for about 265 days in a year. Not only is water being saved also that much energy is saved in pumping Kaveri river water several kms away.

Electric two wheeler

I own an Okinawa electric scooter that helps me travel within a hustling and bustling city such as Bengaluru. In the last 3 years I have covered more than 41,000 km, which is more than our planet’s circumference at the equator. Most of the charging for the scooter is done by the power generated from the roof top solar.

Tree planting

Have participated in tree planting drives across Karnataka and Tamilnadu. Care is taken that the plants are nurtured for 1-2 years until our support is no longer required.

Solid waste management

All dry solid waste is channeled to Saahas and Trash 2 Cash waste management companies while the wet waste is composted in house for the garden.

Going forward, a roof top garden is being planned that could reduce the requirement of chemically grown fruits and vegetables from the market.

Am grateful to the constant moral and financial support for my environmental endeavors I keep receiving from friends - Mr. Rajesh Kumar Kodi, Mr. Premnath. P, Mr. Gula Bhaskar Reddy, Mr. Shyam Mahesh, Mr. Navin Rungta and​professors namely Dr. Balakrishna Gowda (retired Professor, University of AgriculturalSciences), Dr. Yoram Krozer (retired Professor, University of Twente), Dr. Krishna Venkatesh (Director- CIIRC), Dr. Joy Clancy (Professor- University of Twente).
